Life is Precious!

Buenas!  So this week was really challenging!  Our investigators with the most potential disappeared from our lives... the family that we were teaching suddenly cancelled on 3 appointments 15 minutes before.  We were really sad because we had no idea what happened or what changed.  Thankfully, we’ve talked with the mom a couple of times...but something is different now.  We’re not really sure what to do now.  We were so sad because they have so much potential!  And we know that they would really benefit from the blessings of the Gospel.  We really have grown to love this family so much!  And their kids love us too.  So this was really hard on us.

Our other family with potential left on vacation for 3-4 weeks.  We don’t know when they’re coming back.  So that was hard too.  We were left without many strong investigators.  We were way sad!

And then there was an accident in Siglo.  A family that lives in the same area as 70% of the people we visit got in a car accident.  They were driving home from their daughter’s quincenera and the mom was drunk.  They crashed into a tree and one of the daughters died instantly.  The other daughter injured her spinal cord and the mom is in critical condition.  This was a realization for all of us here in Siglo, that life is so precious.  And so fragile.  And that little decisions can affect the course of our existence.  We have the freedom to choose our actions, but not to choose the consequences.  I know this principle has been shoved down your throats in every school syllable ever (there is probably a song about it at Tony Tobin Elementary ha!)  But it is so important.  We think we are invincible and that it doesn’t matter what we do, BUT THAT’S A LIE.  Make good choices, please and we will all be happier!

Anyway, that was the sad of this week.  Want to hear all the awesome things that happened?  Well, first I ate a “delicious seafood salad” on Monday.  Perks of being on the coast.  Also, we went and hung out by the ocean.  A part of Campeche reminds me of San Diego.  I felt very nostalgic.  We got to watch the sunset over the water - and a part of my heart that was empty was filled.

Tuesday and Wednesday we had a conference with all the missionaries in Campeche.  We’re way far from Merida so President and Hermana Ruiz come to us.  It was way awesome!  It’s always fun to see other missionaries!  And of course we learned a lot!

On Thursday it rained so much!  Like more than I’ve seen in my whole mission.  The streets flooded so much the streets looked like legit rivers.  The water reached all the way to the door of the bus (which was really high) so the water got in while we were driving.  Sister Tenorio and I were freaking out saying how crazy it was and people just looked at us like we were weird.

This Sunday we were on the bus heading home for the night and we realized it was just us and the driver haha.  He asked us where we were going, and he drove us right to the door of our house!  It was so nice!  We didn’t have to walk and we made it home on time.  We gave him a Book of Mormon in return :)

Today was way fun!  We visited the fortresses with Hermana Lubiano and her daughter and Hermana Fatima.  (Hermana Lubiano reminds me of Aunt Jen Cottrell a lot.  I told her that and now she calls me sobrina (neice) :)

Campeche is famous for their pirate history.  Pirates always used to attack the city so they had to build these big fortresses with cannons and moats!  The moats even had crocodiles in them, so that‘s pretty legit.  So we got a little more cultured today!

I had a great week!  Hope yours is just as great!


Hermana Keeler

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