Hello family and friends!!!
The days are blending together. We do the same things everyday. It kind of feels like one really really long school day but you take naps in between classes. But it's more fun than school and it’s more stressful too because people's salvation is on the line.
We are constantly learning. ALWAYS. If we're not learning we're sleeping. And sometimes I even learn in my dreams. Estoy bromeando. SPANISH IS THE WORST. but not really I feel like I am meant to speak Spanish but just can´t yet. I am getting better at rolling my Rs I am better at it than some people in my district. I sound less white than a lot of people here which is good.I can say so much but I can't understand some Latinos. Some I can understand almost all but some I'm just like TALK SLOWER, WHY ARE YOU YELLING, PLEASE SLOW DOWN IM A WHITE GIRL IN MEXICO, WHAT AM I DOING HERE I DONT KNOW SPANISH, but on the outside I'm just smiling and nodding sí. It´s so frustrating because I can express my self relatively well but that doesn't matter if I can't understand anything!!!
In TRC this week we taught this lady and I got almost nothing out of the lesson but I shared some gospely stuff and I think that it made sense but I was so confused the whole time. Speaking of being confused, we went to the temple last week. We had translators for the first part but the rest of it was in Spanish. I really had to just listen to the sounds that the lady was making and try to imitate them because she was not speaking real words I am sure of it. It was cool though. Spanish is a lot simpler than English in terms of words alone. It's kind of refreshing. Once I learn it hahaha.
Sometimes I forget that I have a first name. I respond to Hermana. It's so funny because everyone just refers to their comp as their title but I only respond to Hermana Christensen because I know her voice so well. It's kind of funny. I am so grateful for Hermana Christensen. She is so great! We get along really well. She really is so much like Maren and our relationship is so similar it's kind of crazy! She's really hardworking and determined and sometimes I need that! We really just know when to pick each other up when we need it! We compliment each other really well.
Mom you were so right. When it comes down to it I am a rule follower. I like following the rules and when I see people breaking them it makes me a little upset. But I have to remember that God gave us all agency so that we can all learn for ourselves!!!! And that just because I may follow a certain rule it doesn't mean that I am any better than anyone else. Comparison is so real here. It is so hard not to look at someone else and compare your language skills, teaching ability , and even dumb things like clothes. But comparison is soooooo not of God! He created each of us individually and spent time to make us who we are! The worth of souls truly is great in the sight of God!!! I have learned that so much already, I can't wait to see how much more I will learn of that in the field.
EVERYONE. Go watch the Mormon Message, I’m a Mormon, Recovering Addict, and Better Son. That is my teacher Hermano Pavia! He is the best. He has had a rough life but the gospel can change everything! He went on a mission and now he is a teacher at the CCM! The gospel changes people's lives for the better! Here's the link to Hermano Pavia's story
I love you all! Have a great week!
Hermana Keeler
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